Saturday, October 22, 2011

Technology-integration Lesson Design

Subject, grade level, and lesson topic
10th grade Mathematics – Geometry
Learning goals
Students will able to write equations of linear functions in standard form and slope-intercept form.
Promethean ActivBoard Interactive Whiteboard technology*
Promethean ActivInspire software*
Promethean ActiVote Learner Response System technology*
* this technology is presently available in my classroom
Scenario and assessment
IWB technology will be used to present the lesson. I will interact with the presentation so that the lesson is more dynamic than a simple PowerPoint presentation; this will help keep students engaged. ActiVote devices will be used for a quiz to assess students’ understanding.
Students that fail the quiz must complete a lesson module on CompassLearning Odyssey for remediation. The grade they receive will replace their failing quiz grade.
Students will post a blog entry answering the essential question of the lesson “How do I write a linear equation passing through a given point?” I will read each student’s blog to determine their level of conceptual understanding.
Students will use a wiki to work in groups and solve a single problem. I will check each group’s wiki to assess the group’s conceptual and procedural understanding writing linear equations and to see how much each student participated in the problem solving process.
Students will then post another blog sharing their solution to the problem and an explanation of how they found the solution. I will again read each blog post to determine if each student’s explanation demonstrates individual understanding.


  1. Unlike history, I feel the connection with math and technology is more hands on. Unlike history that it is used as a tool for research. I think math and science have more technology driven classes.

  2. Thank you for posting those videos. They are very helpful in showing what you have in mind for your lesson. And I can only imagine all the wonderful activities that can be done on linear equations with all the wonderful technology out there.

  3. I love your lesson! I'm also a Promethean user and I'll actually be presenting in the technology conference on ActiVotes.
    All teachers in my grade level used this program for our evaluation and we shared that students will remember and really carry the experience and what was learned.

  4. Cole, Thank you for including the videos, they are great!

  5. Jason Henderson said...

    Cole, I like the use of interactive multimedia (Compass Learning) in your lesson. I believe your are the only one using this type of technology to teach. Before my kids were allowed to attend school, I had them on,, and LeapFrog games to accelerate their learning. 2 of the 3 are GT students and the third had a natural conceptual understanding of mechanical engineering. Interactive multimedia works when done well.
